Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

tugas 1EA10

1.       This new service will be available to all user _ _ _ _ _ _ _ up for paid membership
A.      That signed
B.      That signed it
C.      Which signed
D.      Sign
2.       That is a story of hardship _ _ _ _ _ _ _ our own situation into perspective
A.      Puts
B.       It puts
C.      That it puts
D.      That puts
3.       John Smith, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of economic crimes, tax evasion and fraud, is being accused of attempted murder now.
A.      Of that he was accuse
B.      That was accused
C.      Whom he was accused
D.      Who was accused
4.        The process uses an innovative digital technology _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _the products with as many colors as the image contains.
(A)  Imprints
(B)  That imprints it
(C)  That imprints
(D)  That it imprints
5.       The police were greatly outnumbered by rioters, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ran into the hundreds.
A.      Whose figures
B.      Those figures
C.      That its figures
D.      Its figures that

Adverb Clauses
1.    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ getting the highest result in the class, John still had problems with the    
(A)  Despite of
(B)  In spite of
(C)  Even though
(D)  Nonetheless
2.    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ air is composed of about 78 percent nitrogen and only about 21 percent oxygen, is a little knows fact on the streets.
A.    How that
B.    That
C.    When
D.    However
3.    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he was seen to be an aggressive politician, he was a quiet and loving family man at home.
A.    Although
B.    Despite
C.    In spite of
D.    Nevertheless
4.    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the variable drops by a unit of 1, the rank drops by X amount.
A.    Why
B.    Whenever
C.    How
D.    What
5.    This method is widely used _ _ _ _ _ _ _ algorithm is not only effective but also very simple.
A.    Because its
B.    Because
C.    It is because
D.    Because of its

Main Subject
1.    It is said he was a man, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to have the vision of an eagle and courage of a lion.
(A)  Who appeared
(B)  He appeared
(C)  That appears
(D)  And appears
2.    Before Johnson & Smith reached great heights in the business world _ _ _ _ _ _ encountere many great difficulties in promoting their theories and methods
A.    they
B.    who
C.    which
D.    and
3.    After the discovery of the abandoned getaway vehicle, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ believed to be hiding in the nearby Riverside forest region.
A.    that the bank robber is
B.    the bank robber who
C.    the bank robber is
D.    the bank robber who is
4.    A gifted scientist, Newton _ _ _ _ _ _ _ some of the most fundamental laws in the history of science
A.    keeps discovering
B.    who discovered
C.    the discoverer of
D.    discovered
5.    George Washington once said that _ _ _ _ _ _ _ have virtue enough to withstand the highest bidder.
A.    few men
B.    the few men
C.    few are the men
D.    the men are few

10 kepribadian yang disuka

Teman sejati adalah tempat berbagi dalam segala hal. Namun kita pasti memikirkan bagaimana cara agar sahabat kita menyukai kepribadian kita. Berikut ini adalah 10 kepribadian yang di sukai siapa saja :
1.       Ketulusan adalah sifat yang banyak disukai semua orang, karena keulusan dapat membuat orang lain merasa aman dan dihargai karena ia yakin tidak akan dibohongi. Orang yang tulus akan selalu mengatakan dan melakukan kebenaran, tidak suka mengada-ada, berpura-pura apalagi mencari-cari alasan/memutar balikan fakta.
2.       Rendah Diri bukan kelemahan namun justru kekuatan karena hanya orang yang kuat jiwanya yang dapat bersikap rendah hati. Orang yang rendah hati dapat mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan seseorang.
3.       Kesetiaan rasanya saat ini sudah menjadi langka dan sangat mahal harganya. Orang yang setia selalu bisa di percaya dan diandalkan dia selalu menepati janjinya, memiliki komitmen yang kuat, rela berkorban dan tidak suka berkhianat.
4.       Bersikap Positif selalu berusaha melihat segala sesuatu secara positif bahkan dalam situasi yang buruk sekalipun. Selalu membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan, lebih suka membicarakan harapan daripada keputusasaan, lebih suka memuji dan berusaha mencari solusi dari masalah yag dihadapi.
5.       Ceria tidak selalu harus di ekspresikan dengan wajah dan tubuh tetapi sikap hati. Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang bisa menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan.
6.       Bertanggung Jawab kalau melakukan kesalahan berani mengakuinya, melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan sungguh-sungguh, ketika mengalami kegagalan tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan, ketika kecewa dan sakit hati tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun.
7.       Percaya Diri menerima apa adanya yang ada dalam dirinya, menghargai dirinya sendiri maupun orang lain, mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkngan dan situasi yang dihadapi.
8.       Berjiwa Besar tidak membiarkan dirnya dikuasai oleh rasa benci dan pertikaian, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan dan yang terpenting adalah dapat memaafkan kesalahan orang lain.
9.       Easy Going tidak membesar-besarkan masalah yang kecil, tidak suka mengungkit-ungkit masa lalu dan tidak ingin khawatir dengan masa depan.
10.   Empati dapat menjadi pendengar/tempat curhat yang baik dan dapat menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain, tidak memaksakan pendapat dan kehendaknya, berusaha memahami dan mengerti orang lain.

Tugas softskill part 4

1. present tense
- I go to school
- She always gets up early
- They visit to library
- He always eats a sandwich for lunch
- The sun rises in the east
- A week has seven days
- The earth goes round the sun
2. present continous tense
- What are you doing?
- Why is she crying?
- Where are you studying Japanese?
- Tyan is writing a letter
- My uncle is coming here
- I am visiting a museum
- Are you getting a new job?
3. present perfect tense
- She has already gone to Bali
- My sister has been enthusiastic to learn english
- I have received this letter
- She has seen this pictures
- I have left my house
- Mr. Tyan has read a novel
4. present perfect tense
- He has missed the bus
- They have opened the door
5. past tense
- I studied English
- You bought a book
- They went to New York
- I did not study English
- We did not buy some milk
- Did I buy a pen?
- What time did you come?
6. past continous tense
- I was studying English
- He was dancing
- They were travelling to Hongkong
- You were crying at bed
- Tyan was writing a note
7. past perfect tense
- You had studied English before you moved to Bali
- I did not have any money because I had lost my wallet
- She only understood the movie because she had read the book
- She had never seen a bear
- You had previously studied English
8. past perfect continous tense
- we had been being very busy after we received many orders
- She had been working at that company
- Tyan had been teaching at the university
- How long had you been waiting to get on the bus?


Kemandirian adalah perilaku mampu berinisiatif, mampu mengatasi hambatan atau masalah,  mempunyai rasa percaya diri dan dapat melakukan sesuatu tanpa bantuan orang lain, hasrat untuk mengerjakan segala sesuatu bagi diri sendiri.
Secara singkat kemandirian mengandung pengertian :
  • Suatu keadaan dimana seseorang yang memiliki hasrat bersaing untuk maju demi kebaikannya
  • Mampu mengambil keputusan dan inisiatif untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi
  •  Memiliki kepercayaan diri dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugasnya
  • Bertanggung jawab terhadap apa yang di lakukannya
Kemandirian merupakan suatu sikap individu yang diperoleh secara kumulatif selama perkembangan dimana individu akan terus belajar untuk bersikap mandiri dalam menghadapi berbagai situasi di lingkungan sehingga individu pada akhirnya akan mampu berpikir dan bertindak sendiri. Dengan kemandirian seseorang dapat berkembang dengan lebih mantap.
Untuk dapat mandiri seseorang membutuhkan kesempatan, dukungan, dan dorongan dari keluarga serta lingkungan di sekitarnya. Agar dapat mencapai otonomi atas diri sendiri. Peran keluarga serta lingkungan di sekitar dapat memperkuat untuk setiap perilaku yang di lakukan. Hal ini dinyatakan pula oleh Robert havighurst bahwa : “Kemandirian merupakan suatu sikap otonomi dimana seseorang secara relatif bebas dari pengaruh penilaian, pendapat dan keyakinan orang lain”. Dengan otonomi tersebut seorang anak diharapkan akan lebih bertanggung-jawab terhadap dirinya sendiri.


Cinta diuji dengan penegorbanan dan takut dengan rasa kehilangan. Iman diuji dengan godaan dan kesulitan. Kualitas seseorang ditentukan oleh seberapa bening cinta di pelihara dan seberapa kokoh iman dapat dipertahankan. Berapa banyak orang yang menyatakan cinta namun tidak mampu berkorban untuk orang lain, justru menuntut orang lain berkorban untuk dirinya.
            Iman seseorang memeroleh ujian yang sesungguhnya bukan saat sembahyang di tempat ibadah tapi akan diuji saat berhadapan dengan realitas godaaan yang menantang dan menggiurkan. Jabatan, harta dan seks merupakan kekuatan yang dengan cepat dapat membuat cinta dan iman seseorang mengalami kerusakan. Gelar seseorang, profesi yang mulia  tidak menjadi jaminan kualitas cinta dan iman seseorang kuat, akan tetapi kualitas seseorang sangat ditentukan oleh iman yang dipelihara di relung hatinya yang paling dalam, dan dijadikan panglima dalam menghadapi realitas kehidupan.
Pada intinya kualitas kepribadian ditentukan oleh iman yang terpelihara di dalam hati, menahan segala godaan yang ada di depan mata. Mungkinkah kita termasuk orang yang mengalami kerusakan iman Karena cinta dan iman kita biarkan menuruti nafsu.


When word wrap behind the twilight,
struck in awe
Finding the meaning of the wound,
deep cry
I still feel pain
cutting through the recesses of the heart

Maybe one when
I slept in a long dream
closed no dream that you
might think this is just a hallucination
real untouched
but still hoping
I pray while singing
eyes tightly shut
express love on a piece of wishful thinking
love your wounds
this dream to kill yourself
hope this is misleading
This prayer continues to hurt me
This love is happiness


Leburkan egomu,
Leburkan keangkuhanmu,
Leburkan segala kesombonganmu
Jadilah lembut selembut dan sejernih air
Dan mengalirlah bersama sungai kehidupan
Pasti kau tidak akan jenuh, tidak akan bosan
Pasti kau merasakan kedamaian,
Kau akan merasakan kehidupan
Itulah rahasia kehidupan,
Itulah kunci kebahagian,
Itulah jalan menuju ketenangan


Dengan kesabaran
Kalian mendidik, membimbing
Dan membesarkanku
Dengan penuh kasih sayang
Walau kasar tanganmu,
Sekalipun hitam badanmu,
Sampai remuk tulangmu
Tak pernah sedikitpun kau mengeluh
Segala perbuatanmu
Tak pernah sedikitpun kau membuat goresan di kulitku
Lembut tutur katamu
Tak pernah membuat luka hatiku
Ayah, Ibu………
Dimanapun kalian
Hanya doa yang dapat ku persembahkan
Untuk mengurangi beban dan lelah
Doa untuk melepas rinduku
Untuk kalian agar selalu di lindungi ALLAH
Karena kalianlah yang mengantarkan
Aku, Anakmu ini untuk meraih cita-cita


Jika alam dapat berbicara
Mungkin ia akan melontarkan kekesalannya
Karena ia tak lagi mendapatkan keramahan
Hanya gedung-gedung pencakar langit yang terlihat
Asap hitam tebal yang menyesakan para penghuninya
Tak ada lagi kekaguman yang hijau
Yang sedap dipandang
            Keelokan dan kemewahan yang liptis
            Hanya untuk memanipulasi keinginan menjadi kebutuhan
            Mungkin menjadi syarat
            Akan penampilan dan kemasan yang elok
            Untuk membungkus isi alam ini
            Agar tetap utuh dan menarik
            Seperti perempuan cantik
            Yang membutakan hati pria


Bersyukur karena telah di lahirkan
Bersyukur karena telah di beri kehidupan
Karena memang kehidupan adalah anugerah yang harus kita terima
Kewajiban untuk di jalankan, Untuk dinikmati
Hidup adalah tantangan untuk di hadapi, Pertandingan yang harus di menangkan.
Menjalani hidup dan selalu bersyukur
Seperti menyanyikan lagu dan mengalunkan tubuh untuk menari
Seperti teta-teki yang harus di tebak
Hidup terlalu indah untuk kita nikmati
Kagumilah keindahannya dan bagikanlah rasa kasih
Hidup adalah tugas, tantangan, permainan dan impian agar menjadi kenyataan


Tersenyum tak harus bermulut seperti matahari
Senyum hayalah garis pada bibir
Namun di ujung bibir tersimpan banyak makna
Secara spontan suka cita dating dalam diri
            Ketika sesuatu diraih
            Kehadirannya tak lagi di anggap penting
            Tersenyumlah karena kepentinganmu
            Kepentingan tanpa pamrih
            Iklaskanlah senyummu
            Namun berhati-hatilah
            Karena, senyum dan ketulusan
            Seperti musang berbulu ayam


Umumnya kesejahteraan sulit untuk dicapai,umumnya untuk menjadi sejahtera harus berpendidikan tinggi, hidup berkecukupan dengan orang tua, lingkungan sosial yang ideal. Banyak orang yang mengatakan tanpa materi, hidup akan jauh dari sejahtera. Upaya untuk mendapatkan materi banyak mendapatkan hambatan seperti status sosial, ekonomi dan pendidikan. Untuk mencapai jabatan tertentu memerlukan status-status pendidikan tertentu pula.Padahal untuk mencapai tingkat pendidikan itu dibutuhkan upaya yang ekstra, dimana mayoritas dari masyarakat hal itu jelas menyulitkan.
            Di saat orang-orang meraih jabatan, merasakan kenikmatan hidup, mereka yang status sosialnya berada diatas tengah melonggarkan celana tak mampu mengikat ikat pinggang karena perut buncitnya sementara disisi lain banyak orang terutama tingkat bawah semakin mengencangkan ikat pinggang di tubuh mereka yang kerempeng, mereka harus menelan pil pahit kehidupan tanpa bisa apa-apa. Karena ulah orang atas yang pintar ber-money politic, menghalalkan segala cara karena silaunya mereka tehadap materi/harta.
            Kebutuhan untuk hidup layak semakin menjadi angan-angan belaka bagi orang-orang tidak mampu. Dalam pesta demokrasi menjadi tempat kaum elite untuk membusungkan dada, berdiri tegak , tertawa di atas penderitaan orang-orang yang merasakan getir kehidupan. Mungkinkah kehidupan ini akan berjalan maju menjadi lebih baik, menyenangkan mereka yang kurang beruntung? SEMOGA  saja.

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

comparison degree

degree of comparison of an adjective or adverb that describes the relational value of one thing with something in another clause of a sentence. An adjective may simply describe a quality, (the positive); it may compare the quality with that of another of its kind (comparative degree); and it may compare the quality with many or all others (superlative degree). [1] In other languages it may describe a very large degree of a particular quality (in Semitic linguistics, called an elative).
The degree of comparison may be expressed morphologically, or syntactically. In English, for example, most monosyllabic and some disyllabic adjectives have morphological degrees of comparison: green (positive), greener (comparative), greenest (superlative); pretty, prettier, prettiest; while most polysyllabic adjectives use syntax: complex, more complex, most complex.
  1. The positive degree is the most basic form of the adjective, positive because it does not relate to any superior or inferior qualities of other things in speech.
  2. The comparative degree denotes a greater amount of a quality relative to something else. The phrase “Anna is taller than her father” means that Anna's degree of tallness is greater than her father's degree of tallness.
  3. The superlative degree denotes the most, the largest, etc., by which it differs from other things.

passive voice

passive voice

kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya. dengan kata lain kalimat pasif adalah orang ke 3.
Contoh :
  • Mary was given a book by John.
Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
  1. Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
  2. Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
  3. Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:

Subject + be + Verb+ by + Object + modifier

passive voice

passive voice

kalimat pasif (passive voice) adalah kalimat dimana subject-nya dikenai pekerjaan oleh object kalimat. Active voice lebih sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dibandingkan dengan passive voice. Namun demikian, sering kita temukan passive voice di surat-surat kabar, artikel-artikel di majalah-majalah dan tulisan-tulisan ilmiah. Passive voice digunakan karena object dari active voice merupakan informasi yang lebih penting dibandingkan dengan subject-nya. dengan kata lain kalimat pasif adalah orang ke 3.
Contoh :
  • Mary was given a book by John.
Dari contoh ini dapat kita lihat bahwa:
  1. Object dari active voice (the soil) menjadi subject dari passive voice
  2. Subject dari active voice (we) menjadi object dari passive voice. Perhatikan pula bahwa terjadi perubahan dari subject pronoun ‘we’ menjadi object pronoun ‘us’.
  3. Verb1 (fertilize) pada active voice menjadi verb3 (fertilized) pada passive voice.
Berdasarkan keenam poin di atas maka passive voice mengikuti pola sebagai berikut:

Subject + be + Verb+ by + Object + modifier

conditional sentences

conditional sentences are sentences discussing factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences. Languages use a variety of conditional constructions and verb forms (such as the conditional mood) to form such sentences.
Full conditional sentences contain two clauses: the condition or protasis, and the consequence or apodosis.
If it rains [condition], (then) the picnic will be cancelled [consequence].
Syntactically, the condition is the subordinate clause, and the consequence is the main clause. However, the properties of the entire sentence are primarily determined by the properties of the protasis (condition) (its tense and degree of factualness).

Conditional Sentence Type 1

→ It is possible and also very likely that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Present, will-Future
Example: If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 2

→ It is possible but very unlikely, that the condition will be fulfilled.
Form: if + Simple Past, Conditional I (= would + Infinitive)
Example: If I found her address, I would send her an invitation.

Conditional Sentence Type 3

→ It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled because it refers to the past.
Form: if + Past Perfect, Conditional II (= would + have + Past Participle)
Example: If I had found her address, I would have sent her an invitation.


noun clauses


A noun clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb; however, it cannot stand alone as a sentence.

e.g.   What you think does not matter.

A noun clause can be used as the subject or the object in the following forms:

e.g. What you think does not matter.
In this example, the noun clause is the subject of the sentence.

e.g. I don’t know what she thinks.
In this example, the noun clause is the object of the sentence.

A       Noun clauses can begin with …
1.     … a question word:
        where he lives
        what one says
        who the man is
        how she survives

2.     … “whether” or “if”
        whether she will stay
        if she will stay

3.     … a question word + TO infinitive
        what to say
        where to meet

4.     … “that
        that he is innocent
        that she knows three languages

e.g. That she worked hard for the whole term pleased her parents.
In this example, the whole that-clause is the subject of the sentence.

Instead of “that” we can also use the belief that, the fact that, the idea that, the evidence that.
e.g. The fact that the economic growth rate is lower than the population growth rate causes problems.

e.g. The idea that the teacher should dominate in the classroom is unacceptable. 

However, if the subject is too long, it may be difficult for the reader to understand the sentence. To solve this problem, we use the introductory “it”, which takes the position of the subject in the sentence and signals that a noun clause is to follow.

e.g.   Instead of
That she worked hard for the whole term pleased her parents.
we can write
It pleased her parents that she worked hard for the whole term.

Note that this pattern can be used only with “that” but not with “the idea that / the fact that”.

B       Using subjunctive in noun clauses
A subjunctive verb is the simple form of a verb. Sentences with subjunctive verbs generally stress importance or urgency.
e.g. I suggest (that) he see a doctor.

Negative form: not + simple form of the verb
e.g. I recommend that she not go to that movie.

Passive form: simple form of BE + past participle
e.g. It is essential that children be told the truth.

When the main verb of the sentence is in past form, the verb in the noun clause is also in past form.
e.g. I suggested that he saw a doctor.

Common verbs and expressions followed by the subjunctive in a noun clause:

advise, ask, demand, insist, propose, recommend, request, suggest

+  that + noun clause

essential, imperative, important, critical, necessary, vital

It is  +  that + noun clause



gerund is identical in form to the present participle (ending in -ing) and can behave as a verb within a clause (so that it may be modified by an adverb or have an object), but the clause as a whole (sometimes consisting of only one word, the gerund itself) acts as a noun within the larger sentence. For example: Eating this cake is easy.
In "Eating this cake is easy," "eating this cake," although traditionally known as a phrase, is referred to as a non-finite clause in modern linguistics. "Eating" is the verb in the clause, while "this cake" is the object of the verb. "Eating this cake" acts as a noun phrase within the sentence as a whole, though; the subject of the sentence is the non-finite clause, specifically eating.
Other examples of the gerund:
  • I like swimming. (direct object)
  • Swimming is fun. (subject)
Not all nouns that are identical in form to the present participle are gerunds.[3] The formal distinction is that a gerund is a verbal noun – a noun derived from a verb that retains verb characteristics, that functions simultaneously as a noun and a verb, while other nouns in the form of the present participle (ending in -ing) are deverbal nouns, which function as common nouns, not as verbs at all. Compare:
  • I like fencing. (gerund, an activity, could be replaced with "to fence")
  • The white fencing adds to the character of the neighborhood. (deverbal, could be replaced with an object such as "bench")

Double nature of the gerund

As the result of its origin and development the gerund has nominal and verbal properties. The nominal characteristics of the gerund are as follows:
  1. The gerund can perform the function of subject, object and predicative:
    • Smoking endangers your health. (subject)
    • I like making people happy. (object)
  2. The gerund can be preceded by a preposition:
    • I'm tired of arguing.
  3. Like a noun the gerund can be modified by a noun in the possessive case, a possessive adjective, or an adjective:
    • I wonder at John's keeping calm.
    • Is there any objection to my seeing her?
    • Brisk walking relieves stress.
The verbal characteristics of the gerund include the following:
  1. The gerund of transitive verbs can take a direct object:
    • I've made good progress in speaking Basque.
  2. The gerund can be modified by an adverb:
    • Breathing deeply helps you to calm down.
  3. The gerund has the distinctions of aspect and voice.
    • Having read the book once before makes me more prepared.
    • Being deceived can make someone feel angry.

Verb patterns with the gerund

Verbs that are often followed by a gerund include admit, adore, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, describe, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, feel, finish, give, hear, imagine, include, justify, listen to, mention, mind, miss, notice, observe, perceive, postpone, practice, quit, recall, report, resent, resume, risk, see, sense, sleep, stop, suggest, tolerate and watch. Additionally, prepositions are often followed by a gerund.
For example:
  • I will never quit smoking.
  • We postponed making any decision.
  • After two years of deciding, we finally made a decision.
  • We heard whispering.
  • They denied having avoided me.
  • He talked me into coming to the party.
  • They frightened her out of voicing her opinion.

Verbs followed by a gerund or a to-infinitive

With little change in meaning
advise, recommend and forbid:
These are followed by a to-infinitive when there is an object as well, but by a gerund otherwise.
  • The police advised us not to enter the building, for a murder had occurred. (Us is the object of advised.)
  • The police advised against our entering the building. (Our is used for the gerund entering.)
consider, contemplate and recommend:
These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive only in the passive or with an object pronoun.
  • People consider her to be the best.She is considered to be the best.
  • I am considering sleeping over, if you do not mind.
begin, continue, start; hate, like, love, prefer
With would, the verbs hate, like, love, and prefer are usually followed by the to-infinitive.
  • I would like to work there. (more usual than working)
When talking about sports, there is usually a difference in meaning between the infinitive and gerund (see the next section).
With a change in meaning
like, love, prefer
In some contexts, following these verbs with a to-infinitive when the subject of the first verb is the subject of the second verb provides more clarity than a gerund.
  • I like to box. (I enjoy doing it myself.)
  • I like boxing. (Either I enjoy watching it, I enjoy doing it myself, or the idea of boxing is otherwise appealing.)
  • I do not like gambling, but I do like to gamble."
dread, hate and cannot bear:
These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive when talking subjunctively (often when using to think), but by a gerund when talking about general dislikes.
  • I dread / hate to think what she will do.
  • I dread / hate seeing him.
  • I cannot bear to see you suffer like this. (You are suffering now.)
  • I cannot bear being pushed around in crowds. (I never like that.)
forget and remember:
When these have meanings that are used to talk about the future from the given time, the to-infinitive is used, but when looking back in time, the gerund.
  • She forgot to tell me her plans. (She did not tell me, although she should have.)
  • She forgot telling me her plans. (She told me, but then forgot having done so.)
  • I remembered to go to work. (I remembered that I needed to go to work.)
  • I remembered going to work. (I remembered that I went to work.)
go on:
  • After winning the semi-finals, he went on to play in the finals. (He completed the semi-finals and later played in the finals.)
  • He went on giggling, not having noticed the teacher enter. (He continued doing so.)
  • I did not mean to scare you off. (I did not intend to scare you off.)
  • Taking a new job in the city meant leaving behind her familiar surroundings. (If she took the job, she would have to leave behind her familiar surroundings.)
  • We regret to inform you that you have failed your exam. (polite or formal form of apology)
  • I very much regret saying what I said. (I wish that I had not said that.)
When a to-infinitive is used, the subject is shown to make an effort at something, attempt or endeavor to do something. If a gerund is used, the subject is shown to attempt to do something in testing to see what might happen.
  • Please try to remember to post my letter.
  • I have tried being stern, but to no avail.
stop, quit:
When the infinitive is used after 'stop' or 'quit', it means that the subject stops one activity and starts the activity indicated by the infinitive. If the gerund is used, it means that the subject stops the activity indicated by the gerund.
  • She stopped to smell the flowers.
  • She stopped smelling the flowers.
Or more concisely:
  • She stopped walking to smell the flowers.
  • He quit working there to travel abroad.

Gerunds preceded by a genitive

Because of its noun properties, the genitive (possessive case) is preferred for a noun or pronoun preceding a gerund.
  • We enjoyed their [genitive] singing.
This usage is preferred in formal writing or speaking. The objective case is often used in place of the possessive, especially in casual situations:
  • I do not see it making any difference.
Really, 'I do not see its making any difference' is the correct option.
This may sound awkward in general use, but is still the correct manner in which to converse or write. And this form of gerund is applicable in all relative cases, for instance:
  • He affected my going there.
  • He affected your going there.
  • He affected his/her/its going there.
  • He affected our going there.
  • He affected their going there.
This is because the action, of doing or being, belongs, in effect, to the subject/object (direct or indirect) practising it, thus, the possessive is required to clearly demonstrate that.
In some cases, either the possessive or the objective case may be logical:
  • The teacher's shouting startled the student. (Shouting is a gerund, and teacher's is a possessive noun. The shouting is the subject of the sentence.)
  • The teacher shouting startled the student. (Shouting is a participle describing the teacher. This sentence means The teacher who was shouting startled the student. In this sentence, the subject is the teacher herself.)
Either of these sentences could mean that the student was startled because the teacher was shouting.
Using the objective case can be awkward, if the gerund is singular but the other noun is plural. It can look like a problem with subject-verb agreement:
  • The politicians' debating was interesting.
One might decide to make was plural so that debating can be a participle.
  • The politicians debating were interesting.

Gerunds and present participles

Insofar as there is a distinction between gerunds and present participles, it is generally fairly clear which is which; a gerund or participle that is the subject or object of a preposition is a gerund, if it refers to the performance of an action (but present participles may be used substantively to refer to the performer of an action), while one that modifies a noun attributively or absolutely is a participle. The main source of potential ambiguity is when a gerund-participle follows a verb; in this case, it may be seen either as a predicate adjective (in which case it is a participle), or as a direct object or predicate nominative (in either of which cases it is a gerund). In this case, a few transformations can help distinguish them. In the table that follows, ungrammatical sentences are marked with asterisks, per common linguistic practice; it should be noted that the transformations all produce grammatical sentences with similar meanings when applied to sentences with gerunds but either ungrammatical sentences, or sentences with completely different meanings, when applied to sentences with participles.

TransformationGerund useParticiple use
(none)John suggested asking Bill.John kept asking Bill.
PassivizationAsking Bill was suggested.*Asking Bill was kept.
Pronominal substitutionJohn suggested it.*John kept it.
Use as a nounJohn suggested the asking of Bill.*John kept the asking of Bill.
Replacement with a finite clauseJohn suggested that Bill be asked.*John kept that Bill be asked.
Use with an objective or possessive subjectJohn suggested our asking Bill.*John kept his asking Bill.
CleftingAsking Bill is what John suggested.*Asking Bill is what John kept.
Left dislocationAsking Bill John suggested.*Asking Bill John kept.

None of these transformations is a perfect test, however.

English gerund-like words in other languages

English words ending in -ing are often transformed into pseudo-anglicisms in other languages, where their use is somewhat different from in English itself. In many of these cases, the loanword has functionally become a noun rather than a gerund. For instance, camping is a campsite in Bulgarian, Dutch, French, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Russian, and Spanish; in Bulgarian, Dutch, French, Polish, and Russian parking is a car park; lifting is a facelift in Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Hebrew, and Spanish. The French word for shampoo is (le) shampooing.

The gerund in popular culture

In the Molesworth books by Geoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle, Searle included a series of cartoons on the private life of the gerund, intended to parody the linguistic snobbery of Latin teachers' striving after strict grammatical correctness and the difficulty experienced by students in comprehending the construction.
Owen Johnson's "Lawrenceville Stories" feature a Latin teacher who constantly demands that his students determine whether a given word is a gerund or a gerundive.
In the new episode of Dan Vs., "The Ninja", after Dan's milk carton exploded from the ninja's shuriken, a teenager said to Dan "Drinking problem much?" and Dan complained that the sentence had no verb, just a gerund

referensi : wikipedia


gerund is identical in form to the present participle (ending in -ing) and can behave as a verb within a clause (so that it may be modified by an adverb or have an object), but the clause as a whole (sometimes consisting of only one word, the gerund itself) acts as a noun within the larger sentence. For example: Eating this cake is easy.
In "Eating this cake is easy," "eating this cake," although traditionally known as a phrase, is referred to as a non-finite clause in modern linguistics. "Eating" is the verb in the clause, while "this cake" is the object of the verb. "Eating this cake" acts as a noun phrase within the sentence as a whole, though; the subject of the sentence is the non-finite clause, specifically eating.
Other examples of the gerund:
  • I like swimming. (direct object)
  • Swimming is fun. (subject)
Not all nouns that are identical in form to the present participle are gerunds.[3] The formal distinction is that a gerund is a verbal noun – a noun derived from a verb that retains verb characteristics, that functions simultaneously as a noun and a verb, while other nouns in the form of the present participle (ending in -ing) are deverbal nouns, which function as common nouns, not as verbs at all. Compare:
  • I like fencing. (gerund, an activity, could be replaced with "to fence")
  • The white fencing adds to the character of the neighborhood. (deverbal, could be replaced with an object such as "bench")

Double nature of the gerund

As the result of its origin and development the gerund has nominal and verbal properties. The nominal characteristics of the gerund are as follows:
  1. The gerund can perform the function of subject, object and predicative:
    • Smoking endangers your health. (subject)
    • I like making people happy. (object)
  2. The gerund can be preceded by a preposition:
    • I'm tired of arguing.
  3. Like a noun the gerund can be modified by a noun in the possessive case, a possessive adjective, or an adjective:
    • I wonder at John's keeping calm.
    • Is there any objection to my seeing her?
    • Brisk walking relieves stress.
The verbal characteristics of the gerund include the following:
  1. The gerund of transitive verbs can take a direct object:
    • I've made good progress in speaking Basque.
  2. The gerund can be modified by an adverb:
    • Breathing deeply helps you to calm down.
  3. The gerund has the distinctions of aspect and voice.
    • Having read the book once before makes me more prepared.
    • Being deceived can make someone feel angry.

Verb patterns with the gerund

Verbs that are often followed by a gerund include admit, adore, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, carry on, consider, contemplate, delay, deny, describe, detest, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, feel, finish, give, hear, imagine, include, justify, listen to, mention, mind, miss, notice, observe, perceive, postpone, practice, quit, recall, report, resent, resume, risk, see, sense, sleep, stop, suggest, tolerate and watch. Additionally, prepositions are often followed by a gerund.
For example:
  • I will never quit smoking.
  • We postponed making any decision.
  • After two years of deciding, we finally made a decision.
  • We heard whispering.
  • They denied having avoided me.
  • He talked me into coming to the party.
  • They frightened her out of voicing her opinion.

Verbs followed by a gerund or a to-infinitive

With little change in meaning
advise, recommend and forbid:
These are followed by a to-infinitive when there is an object as well, but by a gerund otherwise.
  • The police advised us not to enter the building, for a murder had occurred. (Us is the object of advised.)
  • The police advised against our entering the building. (Our is used for the gerund entering.)
consider, contemplate and recommend:
These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive only in the passive or with an object pronoun.
  • People consider her to be the best.She is considered to be the best.
  • I am considering sleeping over, if you do not mind.
begin, continue, start; hate, like, love, prefer
With would, the verbs hate, like, love, and prefer are usually followed by the to-infinitive.
  • I would like to work there. (more usual than working)
When talking about sports, there is usually a difference in meaning between the infinitive and gerund (see the next section).
With a change in meaning
like, love, prefer
In some contexts, following these verbs with a to-infinitive when the subject of the first verb is the subject of the second verb provides more clarity than a gerund.
  • I like to box. (I enjoy doing it myself.)
  • I like boxing. (Either I enjoy watching it, I enjoy doing it myself, or the idea of boxing is otherwise appealing.)
  • I do not like gambling, but I do like to gamble."
dread, hate and cannot bear:
These verbs are followed by a to-infinitive when talking subjunctively (often when using to think), but by a gerund when talking about general dislikes.
  • I dread / hate to think what she will do.
  • I dread / hate seeing him.
  • I cannot bear to see you suffer like this. (You are suffering now.)
  • I cannot bear being pushed around in crowds. (I never like that.)
forget and remember:
When these have meanings that are used to talk about the future from the given time, the to-infinitive is used, but when looking back in time, the gerund.
  • She forgot to tell me her plans. (She did not tell me, although she should have.)
  • She forgot telling me her plans. (She told me, but then forgot having done so.)
  • I remembered to go to work. (I remembered that I needed to go to work.)
  • I remembered going to work. (I remembered that I went to work.)
go on:
  • After winning the semi-finals, he went on to play in the finals. (He completed the semi-finals and later played in the finals.)
  • He went on giggling, not having noticed the teacher enter. (He continued doing so.)
  • I did not mean to scare you off. (I did not intend to scare you off.)
  • Taking a new job in the city meant leaving behind her familiar surroundings. (If she took the job, she would have to leave behind her familiar surroundings.)
  • We regret to inform you that you have failed your exam. (polite or formal form of apology)
  • I very much regret saying what I said. (I wish that I had not said that.)
When a to-infinitive is used, the subject is shown to make an effort at something, attempt or endeavor to do something. If a gerund is used, the subject is shown to attempt to do something in testing to see what might happen.
  • Please try to remember to post my letter.
  • I have tried being stern, but to no avail.
stop, quit:
When the infinitive is used after 'stop' or 'quit', it means that the subject stops one activity and starts the activity indicated by the infinitive. If the gerund is used, it means that the subject stops the activity indicated by the gerund.
  • She stopped to smell the flowers.
  • She stopped smelling the flowers.
Or more concisely:
  • She stopped walking to smell the flowers.
  • He quit working there to travel abroad.

Gerunds preceded by a genitive

Because of its noun properties, the genitive (possessive case) is preferred for a noun or pronoun preceding a gerund.
  • We enjoyed their [genitive] singing.
This usage is preferred in formal writing or speaking. The objective case is often used in place of the possessive, especially in casual situations:
  • I do not see it making any difference.
Really, 'I do not see its making any difference' is the correct option.
This may sound awkward in general use, but is still the correct manner in which to converse or write. And this form of gerund is applicable in all relative cases, for instance:
  • He affected my going there.
  • He affected your going there.
  • He affected his/her/its going there.
  • He affected our going there.
  • He affected their going there.
This is because the action, of doing or being, belongs, in effect, to the subject/object (direct or indirect) practising it, thus, the possessive is required to clearly demonstrate that.
In some cases, either the possessive or the objective case may be logical:
  • The teacher's shouting startled the student. (Shouting is a gerund, and teacher's is a possessive noun. The shouting is the subject of the sentence.)
  • The teacher shouting startled the student. (Shouting is a participle describing the teacher. This sentence means The teacher who was shouting startled the student. In this sentence, the subject is the teacher herself.)
Either of these sentences could mean that the student was startled because the teacher was shouting.
Using the objective case can be awkward, if the gerund is singular but the other noun is plural. It can look like a problem with subject-verb agreement:
  • The politicians' debating was interesting.
One might decide to make was plural so that debating can be a participle.
  • The politicians debating were interesting.

Gerunds and present participles

Insofar as there is a distinction between gerunds and present participles, it is generally fairly clear which is which; a gerund or participle that is the subject or object of a preposition is a gerund, if it refers to the performance of an action (but present participles may be used substantively to refer to the performer of an action), while one that modifies a noun attributively or absolutely is a participle. The main source of potential ambiguity is when a gerund-participle follows a verb; in this case, it may be seen either as a predicate adjective (in which case it is a participle), or as a direct object or predicate nominative (in either of which cases it is a gerund). In this case, a few transformations can help distinguish them. In the table that follows, ungrammatical sentences are marked with asterisks, per common linguistic practice; it should be noted that the transformations all produce grammatical sentences with similar meanings when applied to sentences with gerunds but either ungrammatical sentences, or sentences with completely different meanings, when applied to sentences with participles.

TransformationGerund useParticiple use
(none)John suggested asking Bill.John kept asking Bill.
PassivizationAsking Bill was suggested.*Asking Bill was kept.
Pronominal substitutionJohn suggested it.*John kept it.
Use as a nounJohn suggested the asking of Bill.*John kept the asking of Bill.
Replacement with a finite clauseJohn suggested that Bill be asked.*John kept that Bill be asked.
Use with an objective or possessive subjectJohn suggested our asking Bill.*John kept his asking Bill.
CleftingAsking Bill is what John suggested.*Asking Bill is what John kept.
Left dislocationAsking Bill John suggested.*Asking Bill John kept.

None of these transformations is a perfect test, however.

English gerund-like words in other languages

English words ending in -ing are often transformed into pseudo-anglicisms in other languages, where their use is somewhat different from in English itself. In many of these cases, the loanword has functionally become a noun rather than a gerund. For instance, camping is a campsite in Bulgarian, Dutch, French, Greek, Italian, Romanian, Russian, and Spanish; in Bulgarian, Dutch, French, Polish, and Russian parking is a car park; lifting is a facelift in Bulgarian, French, German, Italian, Polish, Romanian, Hebrew, and Spanish. The French word for shampoo is (le) shampooing.

The gerund in popular culture

In the Molesworth books by Geoffrey Willans and Ronald Searle, Searle included a series of cartoons on the private life of the gerund, intended to parody the linguistic snobbery of Latin teachers' striving after strict grammatical correctness and the difficulty experienced by students in comprehending the construction.
Owen Johnson's "Lawrenceville Stories" feature a Latin teacher who constantly demands that his students determine whether a given word is a gerund or a gerundive.
In the new episode of Dan Vs., "The Ninja", after Dan's milk carton exploded from the ninja's shuriken, a teenager said to Dan "Drinking problem much?" and Dan complained that the sentence had no verb, just a gerund

referensi   : wikipedia